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about fem 

As she also mentioned while chatting, we were already villagers a few generations ago and are proud of it. Because we all know the land in our cores and it suddenly gives us the power to get rid of the demeanour of the consuming without producing city life. Fearlessly and confrontationally. Taking without producing? It eventually makes the person want the truth. Producing and giving, this is the main point. I believe this is the reason why we are put on this earth. Giving, whatever you have at hand, giving wholeheartedly. As you will soon read in the conversation, although it may be the men who give the seed to human nature, it is the women who give the soil, water, every sort of food and care. Of course, this is a wide and important issue. Human beings may understand and recognise this wide array early on, from the moment of birth they may be aware but sometimes it comes as they age. Fem however is all of these, knows what she wants. Knows where she comes from and with this, living a life of constant giving and action, is what I observe.  Even though she had the chance of studying and living abroad, she was giving enough to notice the beauty that was reason for her to stay, because if one only wants to consume, they may get lost in what's presented to them and live life differently. In Istanbul, she studied at an important university, got married, had a son and works on anything that she is genuinely interested in, by listening to her inside voice. She has loads of experiences in city and business life, she’s well aware of the rules of the country and the world and under all these impositions, she came out of them when even men wouldn’t dare to attempt.

What does she do? She rides the two-wheeled, devil’s creation vehicle (as our elderlies say and they dare to abandon us, intentionally or not, from all the pleasures which could set us free), in other words, she rides her motorbike all around the world. The motorbike has been the symbol of free-spirited people for years. You ride on and the wind circles you, takes you in, and the state of this feeling must be hard to express. It is probably curiosity that makes a person travel at first; however, if you ask me, the person travels to search. As long as they know what they're searching for, and recognise it when they're faced with it. Fem has an attitude as though she knows what she is looking for. I hope she has found it or is close to finding it. 

I’d like to conclude referring to the beginning of the article. Atatürk once said; “villager is the master of the nation!"  Indeed it is because the master is the giver; those who give the knowledge, love, culture and future to the society unconditionally are called the master. The masters of the city today who only insist on space, all for me and all mine, can't be called masters... what is it called?







halil ş.

















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