N: What would the ideal world be like for you?
A: For everyone to have equal rights in matters of belief, gender and right to live. A world where everyone gives one another the right to live and respects the other, with its animals, plants and people…
N: How does one learn to respect? Because we cannot judge a person because they cannot respect. Actually, we cannot judge anyone so... You said equality, in what context are you talking about equality?
A: Equality in every sense… Everyone should have an average standard. At least that standard must be met. Now if you earn a hundred, if I earn one and the other earns a million, and I cannot pay my rent even though I spend fifteen hours a day working, then there is a problem here. Of course, everyone's earnings vary. I do not necessarily mean that everybody should earn ten lira and the case should be closed. Such thing is out of the question. But a quality living standard should be provided for everyone. Health, housing, education... "If the government cannot provide these, why does it exist?" I would like to ask. My accommodation problem is not being resolved, my health problem is not being resolved, I cannot make a living. Then why do these governments exist?
“our biggest problem is that instead of solving a problem, we get accustomed to that problem and accept to continue living like this.”
N: Let's say they are all provided. What do you think is the level that awaits people after this is provided?
A: Let's think about that at that time. What I just said are not things that are difficult to solve. For me, our biggest problem is instead of solving a problem, we get accustomed to that problem and accept to continue living like this. Instead of getting used to problems, we have to oppose them. I am not a politician. I don't know how to solve those problems. I can only say that I have a problem. I want to say that I have a problem with my work. I'm trying to make my voice heard.