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If we committed ourselves to human beings like Mr. Ahmet did, without relying on institutions and the things that the corrupted systems imposed us, if we only pursued the truths, would more women be killed in this geography and in the world? Or would a child get raped? Or would a person die with various diseases because he/she still could not drink clean water in the 21st century? Or would a person still die of starvation at a time when technology, human intelligence and ability to use resources were developed that much? Trusting and believing in the love we carry in our hearts as Mr. Ahmet did… I ask you; why our women are still dying or why a child is being harassed and raped? Don't we love enough? Or are we so happy with our comfortable spaces created by waiting for everything from an institution? Or are we making excuses and growing them in our hearts as if they are love? Our children, who are chirpy, full of life and who are our future; and our women, who are persecuted and who have become tar-black because of what they experienced, are suffering and dying. Do you hear it? Do you see that? What are we going to do?

Unrequited love is enough to nurture, to live and to protect. And for that, all you need is love.

I would like to conclude my article with a legendary story of Mr. Ahmet, a.k.a. Manisa Tarzani. (The truth of the story is arguable. Some sources say it is true, some say it is a myth. In my opinion, for those who want to find the truth; it is the secret of immortality sought after, like a bottomless well)


Manisa Tarzani’s name preceded beyond his land and made him a national hero and a center of attention. Because he had no boundaries anymore, the border between cities and countries couldn’t stop him. Then, he started receiving invitations from various cities. One of them was Konya Municipality’s, and he participated. There was an enthusiastic welcome with the participation of the people, and a trip was organized to the valuable places of the Konya city. One of the places which were visited was the place where Mevlana, aka Rumi, stays eternally. The center of science, which we all know and visit as a museum today. At that time, the gathered crowd and Mr. Ahmet arrived at the door of the museum. As you may recall from his life, Mr. Ahmet lived in his shorts his entire life. However, the museum security, who saw Mr. Ahmet in shorts at the door, stopped Mr. Ahmet and said: "Sorry, you can't go here with shorts.", and the public and the authorities insisted on changing the security guard’s mind, but it did not work. Everyone thought that the security guard’s behavior was unpleasant for the guest, and that made them upset, but Mr. Ahmet neither got upset nor resented. (Because, Mr. Ahmet knew that there are no mistakes, flaws and bad people in life.) Then he asked the security guard to turn his back and read what was written on the wall. Then, security turned his back and started reading the quote from Mevlana above the door: “Come, come whoever you are”. He read, and he felt ashamed of himself and what he did. Then, he opened the door and let everyone in regardless of who they were and what their skin color or their gender was…

“Come, come whoever you are”, is the first step into the secret of immortality and the source of the desired love.

What about our next steps?


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