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The following years were good for Neyzen's art, unfortunately, it was not good for his health. Due to high alcohol consumption and difficult living conditions, Tevfik's health was deteriorating. Epilepsy seizures were getting more frequent, and his liver was starting to give warnings. His first hospital visit started with liver complaints. His doctor, Prof. Ihsan Şükrü Aksel, who knew him by name and was one of his fans, was closely following Neyzen's condition. He was trying to alleviate his inclination towards alcohol and various difficulties by saying that "in the above-normal brains, which are seen in the above-normal creations, there is a normal tendency of people who want to relieve activity a little bit." Still, Neyzen's hospital visits were getting more frequent. He was hospitalized from time to time due to increased epilepsy seizures and the devastation caused by the life in his body. These processes were not diminishing Neyzen, but rather being useful to him. For example, he met his old friend Fikret Mualla at Bakirkoy Mental and Nervous Diseases Hospital, and they formed such a sincere friendship that lasted until his death. Every time he was admitted to the hospital, he was almost purifying himself, dying, then resurging. With the greatness of his art, he was treated with great respect wherever he went.


And his value wasn't limited to that. Until Neyzen Tevfik, Turkish music did not appreciate ney as an instrument because they thought it lost half of the tune and the harmony of the music. Ney was a musical instrument of mysticism which was performed in the dergahs, not by musicians, but by dervishes. Neyzen Tevfik completed this instrument, which was considered as primitive and incomplete in music. I assume Tevfik also fulfilled his lack with that. Maybe, for this reason, the fact that "TEVFIK" comes to mind when the expression "NEYZEN" is used among the neyzen (ney performer) groups ...


He was summarizing his relationship with Ney by saying "It's not a cure for death only. Maybe it is, but we don't know that yet."

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