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“you need to be in the state of inspiration, you need to wait for inspiration”

10.2020 I #5


N: What does “stillness and movement” mean for you? 

S: Being still is very bad for me. I need to do something dynamic. When I stop, I feel like I haven’t expressed myself. I'm in a state of feeling like I have so much to talk about. I might be forcing myself too much to talk about something. I might be using too much energy. Actually, by doing so there’s actually nothing that I can specifically say is what I’m trying to explain. But being in this state of feeling, being on this road, being dynamic, making dynamic sculptures make me feel good. I feel good. I want to create things or give them a new meaning. That’s why I believe that the feeling will be more powerful if I make my sculpture dynamic.


If I stop I’ll feel terrible. That’s why I mustn't stop. I scrutinize my past both physically and mentally. I’m a person who also scrutinizes my surroundings. I look and I try to understand. That’s why stopping even sounds bad just as a word. I need to walk, I need to research, I need to try to understand. At first myself.


“when I stop, I feel like I haven’t expressed myself”

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