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The excavation team set to work regardless of the rain and cold. She herself continued to hoe and struggle. She was digging the ground with great care and determination, as if it was the biggest duty that life had imposed on her. Every pickaxe struck and every hoe thrown was like a dance of the past with the future.


When the next morning came and the sun came up, what they had been trying to protect under the rain all night became clearer. Halet Çambel felt a tremendous void in preserving all the finds that had been found so far and preserving that will be found in the future. This was not only our problem, but the problem of all people of the world. Historical artifacts were either moved to areas considered suitable or damaged in the areas where they were located. A permanent solution to this problem had to be found. After days and months of work, the silhouette of the city of Hattusa began to appear. The history known until then was changing. This situation had a great impact not only in our country, but also all over the world, but there was still a problem. The finds unearthed with extraordinary efforts were too important to be left to their fate. Moreover, it was not possible to transfer such a large number of finds to a closed area. Archaeological finds, if unearthed, were damaged over time. It was not known how the damage could be remedied. If they were not protected, over time, they could be in danger of extinction. The cities that emerged, the inner walls of the gates in the cities, stone-hewn lions, sphinxes, reliefs reflecting the belief and life of the period, and basalt slabs equipped with bilingual inscriptions…

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