Being unable to receive support from any country during the Second World War, Çambel went to Italy with the end of the war. After the meetings she held, the idea of “Open Air Museum” came to Halet Çambel's mind. She worked so hard to bring this idea to life. It was necessary to initiate people who could invest in this matter. On a rainy night, her professional impulses, which started with the field protection, were instrumental in the beginning of a new era in the field of archeology. Her work has been embraced with great humility from Europe, America, and Asia.
The Republic of Turkey, which has been concerned about Turkish and Anatolian history since 1932, did not leave Halet Çambel alone in this regard. It provided moral support from time to time by providing the necessary financial support and from time to time by collaborating with institutions that could provide support. Halet Çambel's works began to take off. Until her efforts, it was understood that studies that were treated only as research subjects deserved more in-depth scrutiny. As a result of the experiences she gained in the field and the studies she carried out in the theoretical field, she established a "prehistory chair" at the university. In this way, the researches made for known prehistory gained the quality of being a branch of science. With great effort and devotion, step by step, she paved the way for the development of today's modern understanding of history and archeology.
Whatever job she did, she would do it as if she was doing an ordinary job. It wasn't because of her weakness, it was because she was sure of what she was doing. She was a person who did not hesitate to undertake any task that she thought needed to be done, and was focused only on doing what needed to be done. It was about her knowing that life was built on previous lives.