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During the years she worked on Ankara radio, the most violent days of the World War II were happening. In order to keep the morale of the public high, the music programs on the radios, which were the only source of news, were also increased. Müzeyyen had started to make programs two days a week. With the influence of radio programs, her name spread everywhere the radio was spread and she married Ercüment Işıl at the same time. In 1941, she left Ankara Radio and took the stage at Kristal Casino, one of the most prominent nightclubs in Istanbul.


In her performances at Maksim Casino, İzmir fairs, Çakır Casino, Mulen Ruj (Istanbul) Casino, matinees, Tepebaşı Casino, Novotni Casino, Müzeyyen Senar sang the compositions of names such as Şerif İçli, Lem'i Atlı, Şükrü Tunar, Kadri Şençalar, they were frequently coming together and doing studies. In 1947, the voice of Müzeyyen, whose soul could not fit into her body, did not fit into her country this time. By breaking new ground she gave her first concert abroad in Paris. The concert that was given at the Lido had a great repercussion in the Turkish press and was greeted with great enthusiasm on her return home.


Senar, who had a son (Ömer Işıl) and a daughter (Feraye Işıl) from her marriage with Ercüment Işıl, also ended this marriage in 1950. One day she fell in love with Saudi Arabian Ambassador Tevfik Hamza in Ankara, who saw her on the stage and liked her very much. Senar left the stage by marrying this ambassador in 1953. She was now "Ambassadress Müzeyyen Senar". But Ankara's high society continued to see her as a 'singer', not an ambassadress. She was very upset by the words of other diplomat wives “can’t be an ambassadress from a singer" and their constant contempts. After the Saudi government did not approve of their ambassadors being married to a 'singer', the couple could no longer endure these pressures and decided to divorce. When Senar got up one morning, she woke up on the vanity table with a parting note. In the note it was saying; 'Forgive me, I couldn't say goodbye to you. I will always love you.’ A person hides thousands of sorrows in a smile. Müzeyyen did not have any luck in favour of her marriage either. But after this note, she stood up and returned to the stage that she took a break.


Müzeyyen was devoted to her profession with such passion and love that she made her heart and breath the voice of her people. She had never wore a wedding dress in any of her marriage.

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