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He was reaching conclusions on the weakness and corruption of the current administration. He was gaining his first ideas about what kind of government should be established during the period of tyranny, when he gained ideas about "how it should not be". He struggled a little in the first year of military school. He was having trouble getting used to it and was not paying enough attention to his lessons. Here, he developed his ideas about freedom and country issues, which he acquired at the Manastır Military High School. Mustafa Kemal, who managed to pull himself together after a while, started to give the necessary attention to his lessons. He managed to become one of the most successful students of the school in a short time. During rest hours and between breaks, they would meet with the students in the middle garden of the Harbiye Barracks and compete with each other in the subjects of utterance and rhetoric. These small games also enabled Mustafa Kemal to be a successful speaker. In the years that followed, he got used to the military school very well. The only problem was that there were not enough resources to suppress the ever-growing desire to learn.


Mustafa Kemal's situation improved even more in the last year of the military academy. He graduated at the age of 21 on February 10, 1902, with a registration number of 1472, ranking 8th amongst 459.


When he graduated from the military academy, he was now a sword-wielding, elliot-eyed, ranked officer in the army. A Turkish officer who would change the course of time was born in the poor Ahmet Subaşı neighbourhood of Thessaloniki.


He immediately went to one of the photographers in Beyoğlu. He took a near-ready stand in front of a beautiful background. He put his white-gloved hands on the hilt of his sword. He gripped the hilt of the sword with one hand. with his thin moustache, beautiful face, tough look; he took a photograph in his soldier jacket with gleaming buttons, free glaze, standing upright. Then he sent this photo to his mother along with a letter. When Zübeyde Hanım opened the letter sent by her son and saw this photo, she cried with joy.


It was hot... His hand without gloves was on the hilt of his sword. The hilt of the sword was warm... This time Mustafa Kemal was looking with a smile... The most beautiful memories in his mind, love of the sacred homeland and freedom in his heart... He was confident and slowly pulled his sword out. August 26, 1922 It was five thirty o'clock. Dawn was about to break, the sun was about to rise... The pashas around him, the soldiers in the trenches, the rifles, the wind and time were standing still, immobile. The last command spilled from his lips like the first line of a beautiful poem:

"Armies! Your first target is the Mediterranean!"


And suddenly, as if a heavy rain had begun, like falling from the sky and ending on the ground, the winds that shaped the stones, the waves carving the rocks, walked towards the enemy.


The first and second armies, the twelfth infantry regiment, the fifth corps, ten thousand rifles, three hundred and twenty-five cannons, two thousand five hundred swords and one hundred and eighty thousand brilliant human hearts marched into the Mediterranean, fighting...


White palms, black hands, deceived or forced Africans, tanned Greeks, black, silver-haired Italians, leggy Englishmen, and brown French were surprised. They began to retreat like running from the rain. He was staring at the rocks like an eagle, without blinking his eyes.


While the artillery was holding the enemy positions to the cannon fire, the earth was getting warmer with every step of the tired Mehmetcik. It was hot...

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