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N: And can you smell of fear? As far as I know, it has not been scientifically proven yet…

B: Dogs understands if you are scared and they attack. We do not have a nose as developed as they do. But you can understand this too. Put your hand on your armpit when you are scared. You will find that your hormones will emit odour. you can smell that scent of fear. Science also will solve this by researching. Fear has a scent, and it only has to be proven by science.

N: Of course there is a scent of fear, but is this scent the same for everyone?

B: Oestrogen, testosterone all smell the same. Fear also comes from the adrenal glands. If the smell in my mouth is caused by an inflammation, this scent is obvious. The scent of iron is obvious. The scent of blood is obvious. Fear also has a scent, but what you fear is also important. The scent changes accordingly.

N: Is smelling a scent a blessing for you?

B:  My reason to live. It is a great love, a blessing for me... For example, I love diving to the bottom of the sea. And I panic a lot. Because the moment my trust mechanism, which makes me me, goes off, I panic.

“the strongest perception we have received from our ancestors is the perception of smell.”


N: You obviously have developed your sense of smell. So how did you achieve this? How did you mature your sense of smell?

B: My biggest plus has been to be at the centre of the fragrance and intertwined with it from a very young age. I learned how to make cologne when I was thirteen or fourteen. That's when I learned to mix and compare scents. It developed spontaneously. My research, inclinations and experience led me to found a Fragrance Academy.

N: What should we do to improve our sense of smell? Do you have a training suggestion for us?

B: Smelling natural scents. For example, when you cut a lemon, smell the aroma it gives. We all have four hundred years of history in our DNA, and scents are passed on to future generations in DNA coding. The strongest perception we have received from our ancestors is the perception of smell. There are also scientific researches on this. I would like you to take a look at the scientific studies of Professor Emel Ergül, one of our education member, on how odours are transferred to chromosomes and DNAs.

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