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This was exactly what Halet Hodja was thinking as she stood above the capital of a civilization established thousands of years ago under the incessant rain. If she hadn't experienced all these things and hadn't insisted on staying where she was at that moment, would she still be thinking about them? Halet had been involved in the discovery of the traces of the Hittite civilization, which spread all over Anatolia, many times before. Afyon, Adana, Kayseri, Hatay and Diyarbakir… Halet Çambel knew at that moment that she stood on the verge of a more comprehensive discovery than any previous find. Halet had uncovered the traces of many civilizations before or played an active role in removing them, but this time was different. What she was sure that she had under her feet; that it contained information far beyond the history known up to that time, and the accuracy of which was indisputable. She was sure of it. She had come here because several villagers had said there were "lions carved from stone" in a hilly area. In fact, when they came here for the first time, as it was snowing so much and they had walked so much that she and her teacher fell ill and had to stay in bed for days. She woke up momentarily from her dream. She began to follow the trail of rainwater again. She realized that she needed to widen the arcs that she had opened. She would dig the ground again with the hoe in her hand; she felt shadows appearing behind her. When she turned her head, she saw her husband Nail Bey and her team. All of them were staring at her face, illuminated by the weak hand lamp, with great determination. Halet Çambel smiled:

"Follow the water. Let it lead you the way!” she said.

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